Saturday, September 26, 2015

DuckDuckGo, which has the most features but is still not entirely
secure; PrivateLee, which does not track you at all; and IxQuick,
which not only doesn't track you, but seems the most sophisticated of
the three, with means of bypassing certain blocks that limit search
engines' utility. Scroogle, alas, was forced out of business, taking
NameBase with it, by the legal beagles at Google.

"The Egoic System and Nurture of the Heart"

[DOC]Journey in Faith Unit 1 Encountering our Story What you ...
Thoughts and feelings that arise from the unloading of the unconscious. ...... Rene Girard is a leading voice beckoning Christianity to reconsider this presumed link ..... hide me in the shadow of your wings, ..... In the words of a contemporary Franciscan, Richard Rohr, he did not have a clue as to what was ..... Carl

Parashurama (warrior sage regarded as a Divine Incarnation)

Isvarakoti: A perfected soul born with a special spiritual message for humanity

"The victims are frequently extorted, assaulted, and trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation within the country and in the United States. Some of the immigrants are forced to beg for money on the streets, while others are found in this position after being extorted and deprived from their resources to cross the border. In this dramatic scenario, the increase in trafficking of immigrant children who are captured by the cartels for sexual exploitation, forced labor or used as child soldiers in the drug wars in the country becomes particularly worrisome.

The author is definitely on the beat. She reached out to me on facebook for info re the contiguous rule vis a vis Central Americans, which I had commented the article could have mentioned (unheard of!). These are the thoughts that first hit me when I encountered this article shared to me by K.A.Gray. After reading most of it I didn't feel like taking issue with the title, because new good articles [like this one] on human trafficking are so rare. They DON'T keep coming.

In  a way it does seem attempts to stem human trafficking are going the way of "the war on drugs." The legislation is short sighted, and appears to have been drafted by politicians without a real understanding of everything involved (or OTOH with ties to Prison Inc). So the problems with the measures are probably about 90% due to ignorance [some due to P Inc lobbying], whereas politicians and citizens both are coming to understand contradictions inherent in the war on drugs (though scant pols will challenge the whole gamut of the WOD). Anyway, due to the ignorance regarding human trafficking...there could also end up massive suffering. The badly managed situation could, like the war on drugs (WOD), morph into a scene where the trafficking is a hundred times more prevalent...which would be like some kind of Margaret Atwood novel [ENB IMO is not wrong to look ahead to such a nightmare dystopia, even if it's a ways down the road]. But I don't think in the next couple years human  trafficking could end up entailing the colossal mayhem (deaths) and money for arms we see with the WOD. This "WIDESPREAD LACK OF LAW ENFORCEMENT" mentioned below has become an expected player in the WOD theater. Without it the human trafficking situation would not have arisen, nor in turn the ineffective legislation to counter it. Actually, it won't be stopped IMO until WOD methodology is let go. Meanwhile, disappearing students.

"The increasing participation of drug cartels in human trafficking has been made possible not only by their capabilities and resources, but by the widespread lack of law enforcement, the prevailing corruption, and the absence of adequate mechanisms to prevent and address human trafficking in Mexico."


 Boehme Sophia berdyaev Russian Sophiology

"The tally of known dead is only a partial count of the casualties. There are tens of thousands of others who have disappeared since the conflict began. More than 22,000 Mexican citizens are currently listed as missing, according to the government’s own tally, though the actual numbers are believed to be far higher. An estimated 70,000 Central American migrants have vanished while crossing the country since 2006."

"Paleolithic man was basically an animal with drives, but since he had no spoken language he could not take commands and thus could not even arrange large hierarchies. So he wandered in hunter-gatherer bands. With the emergence of spoken language he could not only converse, but could hear voices that told him what to do when actions were urgent but what to do was not obvious. So instead of reasoning it out with an inner voice the way we do he reasoned unconsciously, and the unconscious (or not conscious) part of him gave him commands. These were at first identified with the voices of ancestors who became gods. Since there was no 'self' involved this early form of civilized man could not place himself in time, and thus did not have direct desires. His 'gods' had desires, because they were the seat of volition, and he could only adopt the persona of a god temporarily to carry on a conversation with himself. " Scott

violence 9/30


Boundaries. Lately I've come up with a theory that to know earth and to know parameters of working with earth...means eventually to trust Nature. Trusting Nature, our boundaries do not become over cloistering. Boundaries that are too impervious are, I recently read, associated with narcissism. I've seen authority figures who've had to have 200 horses in their cars. As for me, I respect a lawnmower engine with 2. Guess it's because once upon a time in an afternoon I'd do some respectable fraction of what a horse could do in a couple minutes...if the horse could stack hay. This kind of work isn't something inanimate, something dead. It pushes back. No one advocates it should push back like it did on medieval serfs. But with the right balance one learns the real environment, and that it is not something threatening or alien at all. At least until it's saturated with Round Up.

"Eighty years ago, Martin Heidegger extolled Nazi Germany as providing the best hope for rescuing the glorious civilization of the Greeks from the barbarians of the East and West. Today, German bankers are crushing Greece under an economic regime designed to maintain their wealth and power." Chomsky 9/5/14

Our geographical neighbors are "bad." Due to endorsement of the AlterNet article, I oppose "Americanism." Because I quote Chomsky, I lean on Marxist interpretations.

I love returning to that book (time is the thing for a working stiff). Glad to see Ellul jives with your own anthropology. That I thought he might is why I provided the link.

[Scott was quoting Chap 3 above from "The Humiliation of the Word," which I linked above]

Translated into English, Ellul's attitude in his last book towards anarchists was: I "embrace" them. Well, with my that point I wished he hadn't! Major internet sites ended up branding him as "anarchist," which I thought a little broad given he'd actually been Deputy Mayor of Bordeaux (later he also attempted politically, and doggedly, to advance ecological goals re the Aquitaine coastal area).

So, what happens on this visual phenomenon known as facebook? We talk about anthropology, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. DA "friends" ST. When DA gets to ST's page, he sees ST endorses arch nutball conservative ___________ . Then DA is informed of the following:

Our geographical neighbors are "bad." Due to his endorsement of the AlterNet article, Dave Atch opposes "Americanism," ergo America. Because he quotes Chomsky, what he thinks about Syriza all comes from Marx.

If I were to look at all this in the least paranoid fashion possible, I'd say it's fine to embrace involved anthropology. We're all looking for answers. But how do we connect our most theoretical ideas with the world we live in? Heidegger's situation comes to mind.

Certainly on some issues it was hard to peg Ellul. He tried to hear both sides of the Palestinian question, and it was only by reading him that I discovered how far academia in Europe had gone in condemning everything western. Hey, but no one will convince me that he'd be in line with _________ if he were still living!

Check out Richard Rohr on dualism and non-dualism (Rohr addresses these orientations in a number of the most recent items germane at YouTube).


Northern Al-Nusra Front and Islamist takeover (October 2014 – March 2015)[edit]

In late October 2014, a conflict erupted between the Al-Nusra Front on one side and the western-backed SRF and Hazzm Movement on the other (Al-Nusra Front–SRF/Hazzm Movement conflict). ISIL reportedly reinforced Al-Nusra. By the end of February 2015 Al-Nusra had defeated both groups, captured the entire Zawiya Mountain region in Idlib province and several towns and military bases in other governorates, and seized weapons supplied by the CIA to the two moderate groups.[499"

Textbook disorders for the most part we can rule out. What's left are: mass sociological categories of alienation, disconnectedness, loss of "agency" on a massive scale, and/or angst due to escalated envy (Girard...or elements addressed by theoretical anthropological paradigms). All these happen in "sacrifice zones" as has been discussed by Chris Hedges.

To digress way out yonder. I think it's accurate to say the victims in today's paradigm are to a big extent "invisible." But then, I have often come to wonder if the 'silent' majority are even more invisible (Nixon assigned virtue to this majority, but wasn't he way off?). If you put on that ring of Tolkein's you begin to suffer (movie version). Perception is hugely askew. Are you stepping into the karma of the aristocracy (the removed aristocracy)? Could this be the meaning of the ring?

Are these folks actually less invisible? I ask you. I don't know.

"Yes, digital devices have given us the power to decide who is worthy of our attention minute by minute. Advocates of this constant connectivity–many of them, like Facebook, acting out of obvious self-interest–want us to believe this is an unmitigated good and that we should exercise this power with impunity. But–how to say this without sounding alarmist–encouraging people to habitually render other human beings unworthy of their attention seems like a poor way to build a just and equitable society."

Oh, how Michael nails it.

The things I know are what the hip set knows, and I am too busy demonstrating that I know what the very, very hippest contingent of this set respond specifically to you.

The violence is in the debate?
Textbook disorders for the most part we can rule out. What's left are: sociological categories of mass alienation, disconnectedness, loss of "agency" on a massive scale, and/or angst due to escalated mass envy (Girard...or elements addressed by theoretical anthropological paradigms). All these happen in "sacrifice zones" as has been discussed by Chris Hedges; and for some of us awareness of these elements dawns in our mind when we read about or enter these zones. But it seems the ethos of the zones began to engulf terrain outside the zones. We weren't envying safe streets. We weren't envying dope turf. We envied our ideological opponents' loud megaphones. IOW the issue became "intellectual." Just as mean. The open carry folks BELIEVE the arguments their media promulgate are sound. Talking heads on both sides have been mimicking one another for quite some time now. But if the listener has any discernment left, s/he can hear plainly that these supposedly good talkers are about as empty, clueless, and burnt out as any humans history has produced. How many times I have failed to pray for them.
To digress way out yonder. I think it's accurate to say that originally victims in today's paradigm were manifestly "invisible," but that later in more upscale environs more victims (shot by guns) were also... and arguably the shooters too. But then, I have often come to wonder if the 'silent' majority are even MORE invisible (Nixon assigned virtue to this majority, but wasn't he way off?). If you put on that ring of Tolkein's you begin to suffer (movie version). Perception is hugely askew. Are you stepping into the karma of the aristocracy (the removed aristocracy)? Could this be the meaning of the ring?
Are these folks actually less invisible? I ask you. I don't know.

The interactive feature is extremely important. In the first place, everyone's a publisher. If they are not attempting to "refute" (basically crush in O y Gassett's opinion), then they are attempting to promulgate right doctrine (conformist, party line). Or, if they aren't attempting to do these things, then they may be trying to "reason" with others. But publishing is part of that thing Lasch was talking about, it's part of entering the "symbolic analyst" demographic. The other way interactive is important, I think, is demonstrated by what Michael Sacasus wrote at his site. I may have misinterpreted his meaning.

"But–how to say this without sounding alarmist–encouraging people to habitually render other human beings unworthy of their attention seems like a poor way to build a just and equitable society."

What I think he's talking about is NOT hitting the like button under a "friend"s share. I didn't read it as social media taking time away from real encounters with real people, though that may be what he meant. Not hitting the like button, or not even bothering to state how you feel contrary. I've seen this. Someone has time to read, so they share an informative article. If they have enough time, they may share 10 in a day, 5 of which may have something to read. So, maybe they're going over board