<a href="www.WEBSITE TO LINK TO GOES HERE.com"></a
without cross http://www.anthropoetics.ucla.edu/AP0201/girardw.htm
Origin of Language http://www.anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap0501/mishler.htm
four questionable ones looked up Feb '16
See DanielRavenNest
'However, Islamism is only one symptom of a trend to violence that is much more global. It comes less from the South than from the West itself because it takes the form of a response of the poor to those who are well-off. It is one of the last metastases of the cancer that has torn the Western world apart. Terrorism is the vanguard of a general revenge against the West’s wealth. It is a very violent and unpredictable revival of the Conquest, which is all the more terrifying because it has encountered America along the way. The sources of Islamism’s strength include the fact that it is a response to the oppression of the Third World as a whole.' René Girard Girard
electro sensitivity
does not count as having clean hands
Piazolla Padova
Post 1
Post -7
Jung & soul psychology
Glad Laura Poitras used the term "Kafkaesque." Maybe I'm very wrong, but it's seeming as though it doesn't just apply to surveillance "work," or just being under surveillance. On the edges I've been noticing something changing in our world (at my job I've been lucky; there's relatively a lot of concentration involved in DOING for others). Fine to talk about nations with completely revamped energy policies, but shouldn't we also begin talking about the total revolution in psyches required when people begin going everyday to meaningful jobs devoid of the Kafkaesque element?
In years and years I've only run into one blog where folks went deeply into work psychology but which was still at my level [I brought up Anne Wilson-Schaef in that discussion and others mentioned others]. To me the "addictive" aspect of today's work segues into "legalism," the latter having something to do with comparing oneself to positive models in society at large as well as with "scapegoats" in the immediate environment. Obsessive comparing to scapegoats to me is equivalent to the pecking order I observed working with chickens. In Kafka-land fear of becoming the one pecked figures in blanket fashion...or so it seems. With all the terabytes of exposition out there, no one has provided any alternate adjectives as germane to the situation...other than perhaps those using "authoritarian
Harold Meyerson (The American Prospect) in "Work History" wrote about how quickly the Civil Works Administration came into being [and the CCC], but when it comes to seeing in these times what people could be doing, vs the Kafkaesque craziness of what they are doing, there's not much written. Well, changing energy priorities obviously would necessitate replacing the craziness with something else. What will the new roles be, and what totally new challenges will workers face under such circumstances? Who do we ask about this? The names Vandana Shiva, Wendell Berry, Wilson-Schaef, Barbara Ehrenreich, Ralph Nader, Bill Mollison, MSF, and Meyerson come to mind.
The most pernicious philosophies out there have to do with so-called processes. The invisible hand process. The process of "the market" (this is "neoliberalism," and you need to get a handle on this term). The process of meritocracy. Processes I'm prone to endorse myself have the same problems somewhat as these aforementioned...any associated with karma and any associated with Alfred North Whitehead's process theology. Well, right up front I acknowledge that processes involved in karma are to a big extent unknowable. Whitehead's process theology does assume some things that can't be proven [but you don't have to make a "leap" any more away from slow and gradual "natural selection," due to Rupert Sheldrake's critique of same].
The philosophy of meritocracy, for instance, would tell you that Donald Trump has earned the acclaim. The invisible hand has trickled down some spare change to us; but, via some manner of osmotic pressure mechanism, it transfers or pumps merit-recognition upwards to guys like Trump who have earned it (it doesn't say anything about Trump's "friends" at Fox). From the very inexact frame of meritocracy...Trump hypes the very inexact process of neoliberalism. But this also goes for all politicians on board with TPP.
With Juan Cole's share today...it's harder to take sides (so check it out on his page, or via mine). This article was before that, good background. But I'm gonna re-write an earlier caption--->Neither "the war on drugs" or the war against the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" appear to be geared to winding things up. Do defense interests want ISIL shut down asap? For sure the contraband of war is a headache for Turkey's gov in general, but sometimes I wonder if maybe key Turkish players stand to gain from trafficking as long as there's chaos. As odds go, though, likely the bombings are mainly a matter of AKP trying to obliterate anything associated with PKK prior to any snap election. TARGETING KURDS http://www.juancole.com/2015/07/turkeys-mainly-targeting.html
Good chart and rundown of the whole thing. They're talking about 3 AM 8/2...when it was 8/1 here.
CHART http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33750803?ns_mchannel=social&ns_campaign=bbc_breaking&ns_source=twitter&ns_linkname=news_central%3FSThisFB
Cockburrn http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=14370
Neither "the war on drugs" or the war against the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" appear to be geared to winding things up. Do defense interests want ISIL shut down asap? For sure the contraband of war is a headache for Turkey's gov in general [first comment], but sometimes I wonder if maybe key pols stand to gain as long as there's chaos; but the bombings are probably mainly a matter of AKP trying to obliterate anything associated with PKK prior to any snap election [second comment]. Gaining control of the corridor in question will impact the supply aspect "some" I suppose as is claimed, but hitting the Kurds it would seem could impact the struggle against ISIL itself. Things look too suspicious. Our involvement hasn't yielded anything decisive...except recently a treaty that will strengthen Iran's position, thank God. ERDOGAN MAKE MISTAKE? http://www.juancole.com/2015/07/historic-dumping-process.html
Guess Cole means that the PKK got the chance to return in the first place due to Bush. Re the present, looks to me like PKK jumped the gun in (allegedly) killing 7/22 the two policemen (revenge for an attack that actually ISIS claimed it launched). But also it looks like Turkey subsequently over reacted. Good (to me essential) chart in the first embedded link...BBC. BARZANI ASKS PKK TO LEAVE http://www.juancole.com/2015/08/another-legacy-barzani.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
"Lee went on saying that the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80% match, allowing also names to be reversed (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr. suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list."
" Indeed, fully 1 in 7 African-Americans in those 27 states, plus the state of Washington (which enrolled in Crosscheck but has decided not to utilize the results), are listed as under suspicion of having voted twice."
"Washington and Tehran Come in From the Cold" Peter Van Buren
Wake up. The people fighting the "good" war weren't making the decisions to turn the boats away. Do some research yourself, and do it on "blowback."
"Hillary Clinton's Real Scandal Is Honduras, Not Benghazi"
Paul Cooke
" Martin Maloney
June 28, 2014 - 3:41 pm
@ jmreeves
You missed the most important security precaution of all – ditch Windows!
OK, OK, so most people wouldn’t want to do that. They are comfortable with Windows programs, and perhaps they are using Windows programs because, for one reason or another, they have to.
What I really mean by “ditch Windows!” is never go online in Windows. The same applies if you have a Mac — never go online in Mac OS.
The safest way to go online in in Linux. The easiest way to switch to Linux is to get ahold of another computer – a laptop won’t clutter your workspace."
an even easier way to gain the benefits of Linux is to use it in a virtual machine to go online with if funds don't stretch to an extra laptop
or even use a Linux Live Disk and reboot the computer and let Linux run live from the CDrom...
most Linux install disks can be run as a live session by booting up with them in the CD drive and setting your BIOS to boot from CD drive first.
Here's a link to a reputable version:
you could always go minimal and get yourself a model B Raspberry Pi
June 28, 2014 - 3:41 pm
@ jmreeves
You missed the most important security precaution of all – ditch Windows!
OK, OK, so most people wouldn’t want to do that. They are comfortable with Windows programs, and perhaps they are using Windows programs because, for one reason or another, they have to.
What I really mean by “ditch Windows!” is never go online in Windows. The same applies if you have a Mac — never go online in Mac OS.
The safest way to go online in in Linux. The easiest way to switch to Linux is to get ahold of another computer – a laptop won’t clutter your workspace."
an even easier way to gain the benefits of Linux is to use it in a virtual machine to go online with if funds don't stretch to an extra laptop
or even use a Linux Live Disk and reboot the computer and let Linux run live from the CDrom...
most Linux install disks can be run as a live session by booting up with them in the CD drive and setting your BIOS to boot from CD drive first.
Here's a link to a reputable version:
you could always go minimal and get yourself a model B Raspberry Pi
The Fuse
"The condensation of all the separated scandals is the paroxysm of a process that begins with mimetic desire and its rivalries. These rivalries as they multiply, create a mimetic crisis, the war of all against all. The resulting violence of all against all would annihilate the community if it were not transformed, in the end, into a war of all against one, thanks to which the unity of the community is reestablished." René Girard
"According to Girard, in periods of collective crisis the phenomenon of scapegoating flourishes: specific groups of people (as a rule minorities) or even (marginal) individuals are identified, judged/condemned and persecuted as dangerous subjects, responsible for society's potential or actual disintegration; majority or authorities accuse, expel, or even eliminate them (morally or physically), in an attempt to 'remedy' the 'miasma,' which is supposed to have contaminated the previously immaculate community, and to reverse crisis." Panagiotis Roilos
"...and a lot of the discussion around bipartisan prison reform, which has really been spurred a lot by conservatives—the conservative group Right on Crime, the Koch brothers, Newt Gingrich—all of these people who now are very vocally speaking out for prison reform, a lot of what they are talking about is money. They’re talking about how much prison costs: $80 billion, we’re wasting all this money on incarcerating people, we could be doing other things.
"And I think, while it’s important, obviously, that mass incarceration is being challenged, we need to step back a little bit and think about whether this is where we want to place our emphasis, because, first of all, a lot of the legislation being proposed in Congress to sort of right some of these wrongs is taking that money that would be saved by decarcerating some people who are in federal prison, and redirecting it into what they call 'public safety measures,' like local police forces. So, that money isn’t being channeled into early childhood education or mental healthcare or real community resources that would promote lasting safety." Maya Schenwar (second guest)
René Girard
<a href="www.WEBSITE TO LINK TO GOES HERE.com"></a>
Despite all appearances, this insanity is slipping through the cracks.René Girard
<a href="www.WEBSITE TO LINK TO GOES HERE.com"></a>
"So the result of these changes is the opposite of what American strategy was based on for the last half-century, the idea of dividing and conquering Eurasia by setting Russia against China, by isolating Iran, by preventing India, the Near East, and other Asian countries from joining together to create some kind of alternative to the dollar area. In fact, the American sanctions and the new Cold War policy of the neocons are driving these Asian countries together, in association with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as an alternative to NATO, and the BRICS are trying to make an alternative to dealing with the dollar area and with the IMF and the World Bank that represent U.S. policy." Hudson TRNN
below are just a few links that one day were glitchy (subj: May's antitrafficking legislation)
1st Politico article. Has petition in comments - advocates no punishment for trafficked minor sex workers
2nd article
It was after May that I began reading previous anticipations re how anti-trafficking law might be changed (eventually changed in May). But after it was signed I've found no summaries re how it affected deportation turn around time for Central American kids. Does anybody know? Yes, I've found the official government version online, but as of yet have not found the time to wade through it.
2014 "That meant there was no protection for children in danger back home. Worse, it meant that child victims of human trafficking — children who were being taken into the US not by choice, but to be exploited for labor or forced into prostitution— were getting shipped right back to the traffickers to try again." Dana Hind
It's amazing how there's a wealth of material on the net about how a law might end up, but so little interpretation once a bill's signed.
Media referred to the anti-trafficking bill as just that--one thing. I can see that the JVTA of 2015 passed, but I don't know if the Protection of Children Act of 2015 was also signed back in May. I was reading in a number of places how it was anticipated the revised JVTA might mandate that immigrant children from central America be sent back as quickly as Mexican and Canadian children. I haven't gone over JVTA's official gov page. Just like to know if this feature I just mentioned was actually incorporated, or if there are other facets of the thing that lessen the craziness of such a change (if the change was in fact incorporated).
I think this segment below was from a rundown put up in March, but there's nothing I can find that explains what was finally formed up at signing time.
"(1) treat children from non-contiguous countries similarly to Mexican and Canadian children, but (2) strike the current requirement that the child be able to make an “independent decision to withdraw the child’s application for admission” before proceeding with voluntary return..."
Been reading about this for a number of weeks. Don't know exactly how I got started. Here's something I encountered a while back first, then something I found more recently...
"Only children under 8 years old could remain with adults in our rooms." 52:56
"But that’s not how children are treated if they come from “contiguous countries”: Canada or Mexico. Before 2008, a child from Mexico apprehended at the border would just be turned right around and sent back — the same way an adult immigrant would be.
"That meant there was no protection for children in danger back home. Worse, it meant that child victims of human trafficking — children who were being taken into the US not by choice, but to be exploited for labor or forced into prostitution— were getting shipped right back to the traffickers to try again." Dana Hind
Here is a statement from a year ago anticipating the worst in the next version of the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2008...
"Now, Congress and the administration agree that it's important to respond to the current crisis by sending back tens of thousands of Central American children — as quickly as possible. And that would require changing the TVPRA to expand the current screening system to Central American kids in addition to Mexican ones."
At this point there is nothing I can find that tells whether or not the quick deportation process (applicable to Mexican children immigrants) ended up applicable to Central American kids as well in the <a href="https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/178"></a>.
<a href="www.WEBSITE TO LINK TO GOES HERE.com"></a>
No one seems to want to summarize what's in https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/178 . As of March there was still the quick-return for Central American kids provision in the bill...which holds for Mexican kids and, if they're being trafficked, sends them straight back to their traffickers. Here below is what some organizations a year ago were NOT looking forward to in the revamped version of the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2008.
for searches
Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act
H.R. 515 S. 572 S. 166 H.R. 514 H.R. 357 H.R. 468 H.R. 469 S. 205
(1) treat children from non-contiguous countries similarly to Mexican and Canadian children, but (2) strike the current requirement that the child be able to make an “independent decision to withdraw the child’s application for admission” before proceeding with voluntary return;
For example, the “Protection of Children Act of 2015,” which the House Judiciary Committee moved forward on March 4, 2015, would enact the above four changes—but additionally, expand from 72 hours to 30 days the time limit for CBP to transfer remaining unaccompanied children to HHS custody. That bill, among others, also proposes restricting HHS’ ability to provide counsel to unaccompanied children.
No one seems to want to summarize what's in https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/178 . As of March there was still the quick-return for Central American kids provision in the bill...which holds for Mexican kids and, if they're being trafficked, sends them straight back to their traffickers. Here below is what some organizations a year ago were NOT looking forward to in the revamped version of the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2008.
for searches
Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act
H.R. 515 S. 572 S. 166 H.R. 514 H.R. 357 H.R. 468 H.R. 469 S. 205
(1) treat children from non-contiguous countries similarly to Mexican and Canadian children, but (2) strike the current requirement that the child be able to make an “independent decision to withdraw the child’s application for admission” before proceeding with voluntary return;
For example, the “Protection of Children Act of 2015,” which the House Judiciary Committee moved forward on March 4, 2015, would enact the above four changes—but additionally, expand from 72 hours to 30 days the time limit for CBP to transfer remaining unaccompanied children to HHS custody. That bill, among others, also proposes restricting HHS’ ability to provide counsel to unaccompanied children.
Finland http://www.vox.com/2015/2/18/8063785/finland-schools-education
"I assume that the reason for the attractiveness of the narcissistic person lies in the fact that he portrays an image of what the average person would like to be: he is sure of himself, has no doubts, feels always on top of the situation. The average person, in contrast, does not have this certainty; he is often plagued by doubts, prone to admire others as being superior to himself. One may ask why extreme narcissism does not repel people. Why do they not resent the lack of real love? The question is easy to answer: real love is so rare today as to be almost outside the field of vision of most people. In the narcissist one sees someone who at least loves ONE person, himself." Erich Fromm "Greatness and Limitations of Freud's Thought" p. 49
"According to Girard [René Girard], in periods of collective crisis the phenomenon of scapegoating flourishes: specific groups of people (as a rule minorities) or even (marginal) individuals are identified, judged/condemned and persecuted as dangerous subjects, responsible for society's potential or actual disintegration; majority or authorities accuse, expel, or even eliminate them (morally or physically), in an attempt to 'remedy' the 'miasma,' which is supposed to have contaminated the previously immaculate community, and to reverse crisis." Panagiotis Roilos (this article is at Huff Po)
This comment will relate something I heard about in the 90s on PBS. By that time it seemed logical, but it was at the same time disappointing. At my church in the 70s I liked Gerald Derstine a lot [I guess Phil D's father], because he was one visiting preacher who didn't demand too much participation from the audience.
'(Phil) Derstine is typical of those evangelicals who, for one reason or another, got mixed up in the “goings-on” in Central and South America and who, as a result, became entangled in the CIA’s dirty little war against communism in that area of the world in the 1970s and ’80s.[2]
"I assume that the reason for the attractiveness of the narcissistic person lies in the fact that he portrays an image of what the average person would like to be: he is sure of himself, has no doubts, feels always on top of the situation. The average person, in contrast, does not have this certainty; he is often plagued by doubts, prone to admire others as being superior to himself. One may ask why extreme narcissism does not repel people. Why do they not resent the lack of real love? The question is easy to answer: real love is so rare today as to be almost outside the field of vision of most people. In the narcissist one sees someone who at least loves ONE person, himself." Erich Fromm "Greatness and Limitations of Freud's Thought" p. 49
"According to Girard [René Girard], in periods of collective crisis the phenomenon of scapegoating flourishes: specific groups of people (as a rule minorities) or even (marginal) individuals are identified, judged/condemned and persecuted as dangerous subjects, responsible for society's potential or actual disintegration; majority or authorities accuse, expel, or even eliminate them (morally or physically), in an attempt to 'remedy' the 'miasma,' which is supposed to have contaminated the previously immaculate community, and to reverse crisis." Panagiotis Roilos (this article is at Huff Po)
This comment will relate something I heard about in the 90s on PBS. By that time it seemed logical, but it was at the same time disappointing. At my church in the 70s I liked Gerald Derstine a lot [I guess Phil D's father], because he was one visiting preacher who didn't demand too much participation from the audience.
'(Phil) Derstine is typical of those evangelicals who, for one reason or another, got mixed up in the “goings-on” in Central and South America and who, as a result, became entangled in the CIA’s dirty little war against communism in that area of the world in the 1970s and ’80s.[2]
'Derstein told reporters at the 1987 National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Washington DC that he had become involved in the “happenings” in Central America at the behest of the National Security Council (NSC), specifically as a result of Oliver North’s entreaties. Derstine’s assertions as to his connection to the NSC are supported by a November 1985 report in a Florida newspaper, the Sarasota Harald-Tribune, that U.S. Rep. Andy Ireland (R-FL) had personally accompanied Derstine to a National Security Council briefing together with Oliver North prior to his September 1985 trip to the Honduras-Nicaragua border region.' http://roadruin.blogspot.com/2013/11/overcoming-christ-inanity.html
That whites aren't in this case entitled to comment is over moralizing. The article's already shared on Kevin Alexander Gray's page, and Gray's not telling whites to get gone. I guess is the one white distinguished enough to be the exception. Horse feathers.
The reaction of the Sanders crowd was lousy. I'll work for Sanders, but I'm not most FOR Sanders. I'm more for Jill Stein. It would have been a good idea for Sanders to turn the "speech" right there into a debate, and BLM should have had activists going into this thing that could have made the point...via debate. Does anyone know about when Fox invited the teenager Rachel Parent to more or less argue her point re GMOs. Of course, they thought they'd put her in her place, but at least they had the nerve to enter into discussion with a genius (granted, the format was agreed on ahead of time). We have a situation where the country's going down in a spiral. Presidential candidates, one could have guessed, aren't usually the ones to come up with a truthful, objective, and encompassing perspective on such dire situations [FDR being an exception]. This is a job for Bill Moyers (whoops, he's out of the picture). This is a job for Town Meeting of the Air (whoops, that was 40 years ago). Whoops, the frames to look at all this through will not be televised. Guess we'll have to bring to mind the last commentators we heard via Moyers. Here's what I wrote about all this last night on Gray's page...
That whites aren't in this case entitled to comment is over moralizing. The article's already shared on Kevin Alexander Gray's page, and Gray's not telling whites to get gone. I guess is the one white distinguished enough to be the exception. Horse feathers.
The reaction of the Sanders crowd was lousy. I'll work for Sanders, but I'm not most FOR Sanders. I'm more for Jill Stein. It would have been a good idea for Sanders to turn the "speech" right there into a debate, and BLM should have had activists going into this thing that could have made the point...via debate. Does anyone know about when Fox invited the teenager Rachel Parent to more or less argue her point re GMOs. Of course, they thought they'd put her in her place, but at least they had the nerve to enter into discussion with a genius (granted, the format was agreed on ahead of time). We have a situation where the country's going down in a spiral. Presidential candidates, one could have guessed, aren't usually the ones to come up with a truthful, objective, and encompassing perspective on such dire situations [FDR being an exception]. This is a job for Bill Moyers (whoops, he's out of the picture). This is a job for Town Meeting of the Air (whoops, that was 40 years ago). Whoops, the frames to look at all this through will not be televised. Guess we'll have to bring to mind the last commentators we heard via Moyers. Here's what I wrote about all this last night on Gray's page...
An economic system had to distribute in a more fair manner due to dwindling resources. A way to resolve conflicts had to be found due to so many nukes lying around. So, what happened? Exactly what the just shared AlterNet article said happened...the most retrograde approach conceivable.
Don't know bout yall, but I'm reading a bit of Henry Giroux and Chris Hedges these days. We need to go far beyond all the old analyses...to explain the craziness that's going down today. IMO we might also delve a little into Erich Fromm's concept of "group narcissism" and René Girard's concepts of mimesis and THE SCAPEGOAT. "Kafkaesque" is also a term applicable IMO; it's not just applicable to surveillance [though I don't doubt MLK were he here would apply it to our current MIIC...because, just like before, he'd realize certain issues are joined]. The economic axe could fall on anyone, and everyone's afraid it will; and therefore everyone is at everyone else's throat. Face it, the AlterNet article's right, and neither The Secret nor the doctrine of "abundant living" are gonna put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Not Marx either IMO. It's gonna take something a little deeper...or at least more apropos.
"G.Y.: Why the metaphor of 'fire'?
C.W.: That’s just my tradition, brother. Fire really means a certain kind of burning in the soul that one can no longer tolerate when one is pushed against a wall. So, you straighten your back up, you take your stand, you speak your truth, you bear your witness and, most important, you are willing to live and die. Fire is very much about fruits as opposed to foliage. The ice age was all about foliage: 'Look at me, look at me.' It was the peacock syndrome. Fire is about fruits..."
Dr. Cornel West 8/19/15
"In addition, a pedagogy of historical, social, and racial amnesia is constructed and ciculated through a highly popular celebrity culture and its counterpart in corporate-driven news, television, radio, and entertainment to produce a culture of stupidity, censorship, and diversionary spectacles."
Henry Giroux 8/21/15
War lords sell the Congo's minerals to corporations, I guess cheap. If there's no authority, it's free booter land. Five million dead since 1998.
Haven't figured out how to get the actual url for a pdf doc in Windows 8...first citation
War lords sell the Congo's minerals to corporations, I guess cheap. If there's no authority, it's free booter land. Five million dead since 1998.
Haven't figured out how to get the actual url for a pdf doc in Windows 8...first citation
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